10 Unusual Ways to Stop Wasting Time Source: 10 Unusual Ways to Stop Wasting Time | Optimist » The Asia Times - события в Азии и в мире: темы дня, фото, видео, инфографика.

10 Unusual Ways to Stop Wasting Time Source: 10 Unusual Ways to Stop Wasting Time | Optimist

Often it seems like we have a lot of time ahead of us, but human life is quite short. For example, if we are lucky enough to celebrate our 80th birthday, we will have lived only four thousand weeks. And it’s up to us to determine how interesting and productive they will be.

In such a situation, competent time management should seem to be on everyone’s agenda. However, modern approaches to time management are rather limited. They focus on creating the perfect morning ritual or completing as many tasks as possible in the hope of remote success and well-being.

In addition, time-management techniques often ignore the fact that the world around us is full of wonders. And those wonders are worth every minute spent. Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to sacrifice productivity to touch them.

If you want to manage everything, but still keep the joy of life, follow a few simple rules.

All of us sometimes have to make tough and categorical decisions. For example, determine which tasks we can accomplish and which we can postpone for later. This distinction allows you to focus on the really important projects instead of being constantly distracted by new requests from others.

Use the usual lists for this purpose. First, make a list of all the things you need to do. Then select from it and transfer to another list the 10 tasks you plan to work on right now. Proceed to new projects only after you free up one of those 10 lines by completing the previous task.

Try fixing certain time intervals for repetitive tasks. For example, on weekdays from 10:00 to 10:30 you will sort out your work mail. Each such period should be clearly “reserved” for one activity. Such tactics will “unload” the list of daily tasks.

2. Work on one big project at a time
Of course, working on many serious tasks in parallel in the hope of finishing them all at once may seem like a good idea. In fact, multitasking isn’t likely to get you much further.

Try a radically different way – finish major projects one by one, giving each one your maximum attention. You’ll quickly notice that you’re getting more done and feeling better.

3. Determine in advance what you won’t be able to do
No matter how much we might want to, there are some projects we will never get done. If only because our time and energy are not infinite.

In this case, the method of “strategic imbalance” comes in handy. Its essence is to determine in advance the areas of your life in which you do not expect outstanding results. So you will free up time for important tasks.

For example, if you are writing a book, agree in advance with yourself that for this time you are ready to sacrifice the perfect order in the kitchen. And if, say, you want to spend time with children, while they grow up, accept the fact that for this will have to “pay” an active career growth.

This approach will help to abandon the search for the proverbial balance between work and personal life and come to an intentional, but necessary imbalance.

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